Thursday, July 31, 2008

Key to Success

Could Self Affirmation Be The Key To Success?

by art_stanley
Your subconscious mind dominates every aspect of your life. Who you are as a person and where you are in life in relation to where you want to be, is largely a reflection of the subconscious mental conditioning that 's occurred to this point.

It 's the subconscious mind that is the controlling force of your life. But learn how to guide it and the infinite world of possibility is within your grasp. That 's the value of self affirmation.

Self affirmation is a proven tool to influence the subconscious. It doesn't happen overnight, but it can and does happen for those who make affirmations and visualization a part of their way of living.

Affirmations are positive statements about you and your desired reality. "I feel happier and more energetic now that I've lost 10 pounds" - that 's a simple example of an affirmation. The beauty of it is that you're not limited in any way. You can add dozens of affirmations into your routine and eventually the subconscious will get hold of this desire and guide you to manifestation. It doesn't matter what the affirmation is. If you believe it heart and soul and repeat it enough times, the subconscious will act on it as though it were an order.

Self affirmation is any positive statement delivered by you - to you. You simply make a decisive statement about you already in possession of some desired condition, quality, circumstance, or thing. "I feel my self-confidence surging higher and higher with every step I take towards each prospect 's door" is a statement of a desired condition for anyone in sales. Repeated regularly and with conviction, this self affirmation will undoubtedly increase the confidence and improve the performance of anyone.

Here 's why self affirmation is such an effective tool...

We see the world through our conditioned eyes. Have you ever noticed someone who is perpetually happy? They've conditioned themselves to experience more joy in life. There are also those unfortunate souls who are miserable most of the time. Most of us though live in the grey zone between these two extremes. If you want to be happier more often, use affirmations to make it your reality.

In their book, Become A Magnet To Money, author 's Bob Proctor and Michelle Blood state that "Your subconscious conditioning or paradigm will determine your logic". Until we see a particular result as logical, realistic, or within our reach, we won't take the necessary steps to get there. That 's why you've got to stretch yourself and open up to a new set of possibilities in your life. "Breakthroughs are made by violating logic" say authors, Proctor and Blood.

Your potential about your life and your potential are based on conditioning and nothing more. Unfortunately, most of us grew up accepting limitations; limitations that are nothing more than illusions we've bought into. It 's as though we look at life with long mailing tubes attached to our eyes. We can see a glimpse of some of the possibilities out there, but we miss out on the bounty that 's all around us.

Self affirmation facilitates change. Try if for 30 days -- every day -- and you'll begin to notice its effects. You can change your life any way you choose and only you can change it. Affirmations are free and freeing. Use them and shape your future so you are actually living your dreams.

About the Author

Ready to tap into your unlimited mind power to create the life you want? Self Affirmation and Visualization can give you everything you can imagine - automatically. Just follow along on this powerful guided visualization and affirmation session and live the life of your dreams today. Click here for more.

Article Source: Content for Reprint

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